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Generic valium medication; oral; daily dose, 40-50 mg and with or without syrup. Pre-approval Informed consent was obtained from all patients and their personal and/or proxies before the study and all enrolled patients provided informed consent for continuation in the trial. All procedures were approved by the Ethics Committee of University South Florida. The study population was screened for exclusion criteria and then randomized to the two active treatments. trial was registered on as {"type":"clinical-trial","attrs":{"text":"NCT00744698","term_id":"NCT00744698"}}NCT00744698. Patients assigned to d-fenfluramine were enrolled in the placebo group. Randomization and blinding were handled by the same researcher. For dose-compensation analysis, the total dose taken by each patient from study medications was the independent variable. variable chosen because previous studies have shown a dose response effect. The primary outcome was time to first admission as well the time to hospital discharge. This was an unblinded outcome measure as it is uninterpretable. Statistical analysis was accomplished by ANOVA using the SPSS for Windows Software package, version 11 (SPSS Inc., Illinois, US). The following prespecified variables were calculated: time to hospital discharge was the dependent variable. Statistics The proportion of patients with a total dose-adjusted time to hospital discharge was calculated for each dose group. This data is expressed as a ratio of the maximum time from dose of d-fenfluramine to the maximum time for which patient was hospitalized. The ratio dichotomized to zero if 0 was found. For patient characteristics d-fenfluramine and placebo groups, multivariate linear regression analyses were performed with time-to-hospital discharge at enrollment as dependent variable and demographic baseline variables as potential predictors (age, gender, baseline comorbidities and illness severity) as potential confounders. The covariate of no exposure to medication was included as a covariate in the models. As sensitivity analysis, baseline comorbidity was added to the models in all analyses. following covariates were included: age (<60, 60–64, 65-70, 70-79, >80), comorbidity (mild, moderate, severe), illness severity (malignant and unspecified) baseline comorbidity. Analysis models tested for significant interaction using the Tukey test. baseline comorbidity and illness severity did not show significant interaction for the combination regimens. Finally, linear mixed model of repeated measures with interaction terms was applied. Sample size calculations were conducted using a 2-sided significance level of α= 0.05. Randomization drugstore white gel eyeliner for an adequate number of patients with treatment group was determined on at least a 90% level of confidence. Results Patients The study population consisted of 47 patients for the study (28 randomized d-fenfluramine and 18 for placebo). Only three patients enrolled in the d-fenfluramine group were younger than 65 years (3 men, 1 woman) and one patient (a man) was aged > 80. All patients underwent randomization. The mean (SD) age of patients was 60 (11) years ± 13.3 (4). Fourteen patients (41%) were men and 14 patients (37%) were females (mean±SD, 49±12). As expected, all patients were white and male (92%; N=22). None of the patients had any adderall 20 mg 60 pills price major comorbidities or acute illnesses and all patients were evaluated by an internist. Patient characteristics can be found below in Table 1. Table 1. Number (N=47), Sex (F= Male; M= Female; adderall 30 mg tablet price P= Female) Age (years) N=22 N=19 Male N=13 Female N=14 Race (0/2) N=2/2 (5/5) N=8/15 Education (years) N=26 (M= High school or equivalent; P= equivalent) N=14 Smoking status (1/4) N=2 (M= No smoking; P= smoking) Dose group assignment(4) N=4/4 N=7 Age (years) N=13 N=8 Sexual partners % N=18 N=6 Gender (0/8) N=2/8 (4/5) Sex of sexual partners % Male N/L=37/45 (34.5%) N=22 Female N/L=50/55 (47.9%) Number (N=47), Sex (F= Male; M= Female; P= Female) Age (years) N=22 N=19 Male N=13 Female N=14 Race (0/2) N=2/2 (5/)

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